Friday, July 14, 2017

More Art For Dummies

More Art For Dummies

Question: Is Your Personal Computer Protected WITH A FIREWALL?

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Instead of building a traditional church that offers Sunday School classes, I'm entertaining the notions of people who would like instead to create a Magical Arts School.

As capital, the planners of the Magical Arts School would create and sell: glass balls, taro cards, tea for TEA LEAVES for readings, witch and warlock uniforms, broomsticks, wands, magic hats, and several book of spells [Gaylic, Old English, and Latin spells, as well as German spells for the advanced].

These magical 'art' products help create the illusion of being a witch or a warlock.

Students would be encouraged to impress their peers, they would routinely be reminded of the need to ACT in the class, or on STAGE (a better option); the more mysterious the process, the better the results should be. Creating their own MAGIC ACTS will be the heart of what the students should learn.

'Mystic Academs' should either encourage, or discourage approaches, such as encouraging Old English over Latin. Mystic Academs are considered guides in this Magical Arts School, guides that did NOT build a church, or spiritual temple.

Since many ideas seem borrowed from other traditions, some of these magical teachings [spiritual] should be useful, yet stopping points should also be valued for regular growth.

In My Opinion [IMO], this is a deviation, a spiritual deviation, that does not get to the point.  If young students waste time preforming magic tricks to impress other students, what is actually gained? Free lunch?

There are good reasons to be open-minded and learn about other formal religions [World Religions]. There are RELIGIOUS REASONS.

The Artist aspect supports keeping witch-craft the reason to remember how to blow-glass, shape wands from wood, design and make taro cards, or grow herbal gardens for tea.

Capitalism seems to be the reason to sell magical Arts, and the reason people sell candles for candle magic, a magical necessary for working with Candle Magic!

A general sense of 'good' magic should be introduced by example, on-stage and in class, verses 'bad' magic, that for reasons of safety, are banned from school property and are considered bad to consume.

One could identify with JESUS, the son of man, and of God, and learn our true path. Young students could identify with The Buddah, the TEACHER in a school that encourages practice and truth-telling. Students may choose to identify with magicians or with a sorseror, practitioners of good, neutral [grey / gray] or bad magic [many choose to guard against this type].
Typically, good practitioners wear white, bad practitioners wear dark colors, neutral magicians wear gray.

Angelic guides with golden-hairlocks are associated with 'gingers' who have orange-ish hair.

Students should also identify with Superman, or with Wonder Woman, ASSOCIATED WITH JUSTICE and with giving help when one associates with Superman and calls for help. Wonder Woman associated herself with Superman via. The Hall of Justice according to D.C. comics.

Is A Firewall Protecting Your P.C.?

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