Friday, June 23, 2017

Dreams and Angel Cards

Why Do Deviant Angels Exist?

Deviant Angels, the choice of the next generation?
Although Red Star Anjayel and Blu-Anjay lack the traditional meaning other golden-yellow angels have, will this deviation away from traditional golden angels even matter?

Many Artist on Deviant Art find their inspiration, which then adds fuel to Artist unleasing creative expression! These Artist become skill'd at creating good Art. My interests are fueled by books and new ideas.

Although I tend to not stay on 1 image for long, I usually have a grand plan that I aim to work thru, which explains why I sometimes compare myself to the windy city (at least in my mind).
Although Red Star Anjayel and Blu-Anjay lack the traditional meaning traditional golden haired
angels have, I started this trend of making 'Deviant Angels' because my mother seemed to la-i-ca chocolate angels, soon, images of chocolate angels began to inspire me. I hope to sculpt anjays one day.

Thanks goes to for allowing me to share my ideas!

GOOD HACKERS: NEO, a character from / found in The Matrix [May-tric] Trilogies.

  1. Cyberbullies using computers tu bully or 'TROLL'.
  2. Stalkers (people who stalk people) as reported in the Media. Are these reports real?
  3. People who try to learn credit-card information from computer users, in a effort to STEAL.
  4. People who damage firewalls because of CYBER-BULLING.
  5. People who pass along MALWARE.
  6. People who use computers to cheat in school / college.
  7. People who cyberbully by stealing music or DVD (film) from people who do not agree to share film or music stored on their computers. I label these bullies PIRATES [pai-rat-sa].
  8. People who use spyware to SPY ON OTHER PEOPLE.
  9. 'Masturbaiters' (in room) using masturbation material to 'jerk-off'.  The longer they 'masturbate,' the  greater chance they'll have of getting robbed.

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