Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Personality Thief?

'Personality Thief'?

Did you remember to build your Firewall for your Personal Computer (P.C.)?
With many 'BAD' Hackers online, people should aim to protect their passwords and online identities. Find guides that help new computer users with tips sharing information on how to pick better user / profile names.

Although the Internet is NOT SAFE for many people, for many reasons, computer users have better experiences when they practice general safety.

Identity Thief is a common concern online, and 'Personality Thief' may be increasing. Personality Thief is largely undefined, yet personality thief seems to occur when people lose their sense of who they are, or lose what makes them special. Although personalities can not be seen, popular people are said to have a good 'personality' because they are 'easy to talk to, funny, open-minded or sociable.  

When people take other people's audio-recording, or videos, in order to dub over the speaker, or entertainer, I consider such 'bad' acts cases of Personality Thief. Taking jokes, inspirational quotes, or music away from another person may be 'bad' acts of Personality Thief. In general, Identity Thief involves taking away a person's photo IDs, Identification records, or credit cards. 
As I understand what is currently occurring, Personality Thief involves removing the name or face of a person who originated a joke, motto, inspirational quote, Art-work, or song. People should encourage others to be who they are. As a group, we are all important, each of us has something that we do well, and as a group we should respect each individual in our group. This makes people powerful. Protecting our common interest builds socially responsible media.

To prevent Personality Thief, share your own photographs, or jokes. Identify with your friends online, people who will be happy to receive messages from you.

Monday, July 17, 2017

If A Beauty Contest Is Not Fair, Then How Can A Personality Contest Claim Fairness?

If A Beauty Contest Is NOT Fair, Then How Could A Personality Contest Claim Fairness?

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Identity Thief is not the only problem that exists in our modern society, did you know that 'personality thief' may be a problem for many people?

Question: When models on TV, and in magazines, tell the audience that photo-manipulation and video-manipulation, using editing software, are common ways to improve a model's image, I begin to wonder: If people (editors and producers) without asking, 'borrow' body parts from people with unusual traits, such as a beautifully shaped pair of lips, will producers of Personality Contests 'borrow' popular personalities?

 Personality Credit?

In the EXTREME CASE, I imagine personalities being borrowed like Miley Cyrus music from her video "Wrecking-Ball". I think dub'n over a 'bad personality' may be possible. 

In less extreme cases, models who purposely act like another person, associating themselves with another person's behavior, speech and actions, seem to 'borrow' other's personality credit.

Borrowing 'Personality Credit' seems a lot like borrowing racial-group credit, or gender-group credit without giving the individual credit or acknowledgement for contributions.

I had ideas for a popular Personality Contest, yet I never imagined one should steal audio recordings, or 'dub over' videos in order to share a person's 'good personality' with a group entered in a popular Personality Contest.

In many ways, borrowing without permission seems wrong.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Genius, The Original 'G' Word



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Genius, meaning original.

Imagine a University system where famous young Writers DO NOT actually write his or her own books, poems or music lyrics, they are close to Artist / Actors.

Imagine next, that a star group allow'da Technology, in the form of spiware and notebook-computers, to saturate their system. If Artist must respond to the unknown, yet continue to amuse, inspire, or motivate others, then In My Opinion (IMO), 'genius' appears outside of normal rules. How special individuals handle computers with spiware, in their dorms, will differ genius from those who copy, imitate, and 'ape' other students.

Technology is a lot like love, a complication of something simple. Genius appears outside the norm, outside normal rules.

In General, like The Big Bang Theory (TV SHOW), there should be three major paths.

Imagine if you will, a conservatory group and a 'GenX' group.
Break the 'genX' group into male and female, represented by the colors blue and hot pink.
The conservatory group will be represented by the color white.

Imagine that I am about to create a new TV SHOW FOR FAI-CAH [FAKE] TV: Systim Genius

Conservatory:  Wears WHITE, TRADITIONAL. Members See Church as GUIDANCE.

The GenX Gender Division:

MALES wear BLUE.  These students are guys influenced by MORMANISM, and Science. There maybe a few Scientologist in the group. IMAGINE they are GUYS who SPECIALIZE IN MAXIMIZING the logic of MEN.

FEMALES wear HOT PINK. These students are females influenced by cults like followers of Sectmet of Egypt. They are most like honey in the desert. They seem like students who abandon traditional religious guidance. They are not modest, nor are they gender-orientated around safety or safe approaches. As a group, they aim to live a hot, careless, wild fast life. They are females liberated like wild honey.

Systim Genius is not about race, it is a TV SHOW [idea] about THE GENDER DIVISION.

First Episode

Overall FOCUS: How does each group react after notebook-computers with spiware has been introduced?

Imagine a Community meeting has been called. Parents seeking advice, and parental support, have gathered at their local church.
The Conservation group is gathered to ask members how to use their computers and web cameras. Members of the church plan to ask Professional Software Developers...meanwhile...
Politicians hold debates before Congress.
Imagine a Fraternity [FRAT] House holding a planning session. The guys brain-storm for ways to use  new technology.
The hot 'geeks' have a plan.
For years hot geeks have been dreaming of getting paid for phone sex, voice messages, or video messages. They are prepared to rush into advertising. They appeal to young men with new credit cards, who don't have a clear idea of how to use credit. The students waste time imagining themselves shopping while spending money in careless, fast ways.

They start flyers.

Episode 2: I'll Let You Watch Me In My Dorm Room: But First Give Me Your Credit Card Number.

More Art For Dummies

More Art For Dummies

Question: Is Your Personal Computer Protected WITH A FIREWALL?

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Instead of building a traditional church that offers Sunday School classes, I'm entertaining the notions of people who would like instead to create a Magical Arts School.

As capital, the planners of the Magical Arts School would create and sell: glass balls, taro cards, tea for TEA LEAVES for readings, witch and warlock uniforms, broomsticks, wands, magic hats, and several book of spells [Gaylic, Old English, and Latin spells, as well as German spells for the advanced].

These magical 'art' products help create the illusion of being a witch or a warlock.

Students would be encouraged to impress their peers, they would routinely be reminded of the need to ACT in the class, or on STAGE (a better option); the more mysterious the process, the better the results should be. Creating their own MAGIC ACTS will be the heart of what the students should learn.

'Mystic Academs' should either encourage, or discourage approaches, such as encouraging Old English over Latin. Mystic Academs are considered guides in this Magical Arts School, guides that did NOT build a church, or spiritual temple.

Since many ideas seem borrowed from other traditions, some of these magical teachings [spiritual] should be useful, yet stopping points should also be valued for regular growth.

In My Opinion [IMO], this is a deviation, a spiritual deviation, that does not get to the point.  If young students waste time preforming magic tricks to impress other students, what is actually gained? Free lunch?

There are good reasons to be open-minded and learn about other formal religions [World Religions]. There are RELIGIOUS REASONS.

The Artist aspect supports keeping witch-craft the reason to remember how to blow-glass, shape wands from wood, design and make taro cards, or grow herbal gardens for tea.

Capitalism seems to be the reason to sell magical Arts, and the reason people sell candles for candle magic, a magical necessary for working with Candle Magic!

A general sense of 'good' magic should be introduced by example, on-stage and in class, verses 'bad' magic, that for reasons of safety, are banned from school property and are considered bad to consume.

One could identify with JESUS, the son of man, and of God, and learn our true path. Young students could identify with The Buddah, the TEACHER in a school that encourages practice and truth-telling. Students may choose to identify with magicians or with a sorseror, practitioners of good, neutral [grey / gray] or bad magic [many choose to guard against this type].
Typically, good practitioners wear white, bad practitioners wear dark colors, neutral magicians wear gray.

Angelic guides with golden-hairlocks are associated with 'gingers' who have orange-ish hair.

Students should also identify with Superman, or with Wonder Woman, ASSOCIATED WITH JUSTICE and with giving help when one associates with Superman and calls for help. Wonder Woman associated herself with Superman via. The Hall of Justice according to D.C. comics.

Is A Firewall Protecting Your P.C.?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Fight For Imaginary Mom?

Fight For Imaginary Mom?

A woman's mother wants her daughter to get-back-up after being knock'da down.
She, the little girl, watch'da her mother not recover after getting knock'da down. She becomes somewhat a success, more independent and healthy honestly, than successful. She continues to spend time with a guy for reasons unknown, she admits she is attracted to him, she calls him cute. Complications occur when the boyfriend wants her to meet his 3 children.

He may have replace'da her mother, I think, her independent side seems to draw on her father for strength. He wants Mary to believe that his children are NOT trash.

Mary's ideas are confusing. Mary is confusing, unless the audience watches these people together, they are like separate pieces of a puzzle that fit-together.  I respect this part, my concerns: excessive drinking, and the part of this show where Mary's mother seems false (a hallucination?). I also have a hard time understanding his son when I accept Mary's independent side, his son seems to need for her to change. She does seem worse than the children's mother, their parent who is needed for balance, yet, I like Mary, although I think she fights for her mother.

Question: Is her boyfriend's mother cheering her on? What if the hallucination sounds like her boyfriend's mother, yet is some aspect of her boyfriend? I had already associated her 'dream-of-support' with her boyfriend, who sounds like her friend. Why not her boyfriend's mother encouraging her? Why not? Probably because the imaginary friend seems confused around her boyfriend. Whose voice is the mothers? I am confuse'da, I think her partner will fill us in.

So far, I think Mary's loneliness is the bigger problem, not her imaginary friend / hallucination.

I like Mary's partner because she does, and they fit. Oddly enough, at first, I wanted the two to stop seeing each other. I associated her returning hallucinations with her boyfriend, and their returning drug habits.

About habits...
I have ask'da myself...are books my shield? Are books fill'da with reassuring silent support? I answer yes, sometimes. They (Writers) can inspire and validate, they affirm our beliefs and re-affirm what we value (as women and men).

The rest of the show is about Mary sharing her boyfriend's world.

Spin: Queen and The Awesome Luzahs: My realistic comics.