Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Personality Thief?

'Personality Thief'?

Did you remember to build your Firewall for your Personal Computer (P.C.)?
With many 'BAD' Hackers online, people should aim to protect their passwords and online identities. Find guides that help new computer users with tips sharing information on how to pick better user / profile names.

Although the Internet is NOT SAFE for many people, for many reasons, computer users have better experiences when they practice general safety.

Identity Thief is a common concern online, and 'Personality Thief' may be increasing. Personality Thief is largely undefined, yet personality thief seems to occur when people lose their sense of who they are, or lose what makes them special. Although personalities can not be seen, popular people are said to have a good 'personality' because they are 'easy to talk to, funny, open-minded or sociable.  

When people take other people's audio-recording, or videos, in order to dub over the speaker, or entertainer, I consider such 'bad' acts cases of Personality Thief. Taking jokes, inspirational quotes, or music away from another person may be 'bad' acts of Personality Thief. In general, Identity Thief involves taking away a person's photo IDs, Identification records, or credit cards. 
As I understand what is currently occurring, Personality Thief involves removing the name or face of a person who originated a joke, motto, inspirational quote, Art-work, or song. People should encourage others to be who they are. As a group, we are all important, each of us has something that we do well, and as a group we should respect each individual in our group. This makes people powerful. Protecting our common interest builds socially responsible media.

To prevent Personality Thief, share your own photographs, or jokes. Identify with your friends online, people who will be happy to receive messages from you.

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